We're honored to be the first-ever $1 million USD TD Ready Challenge grant winner for our Edible Eco-Labs to Accelerate Learning programming!
我们邀请您观看我们制作的视频,这是我们提交给TD Ready挑战的一部分. In it you will learn more about the successes of our Edible Outdoor Eco-Lab program and how we will use the TD Ready Challenge Grant to ameliorate learning loss in math and help students thrive.
大自然往往是最好的老师. 这是AG亚游集团官方网站会“可食用户外生态实验室加速学习”项目的前提.
可食用户外生态实验室是AG亚游集团官方网站最成功的项目之一, 通过利用户外活动,学生的科学成绩提高了67%. Through the program, we install ‘Food Forests’, with trees, bushes, plants, and paths, 在学校场地上,然后向学校示范如何将它们用作室外教室. Students learn soil science, photosynthesis, physics, and other science concepts as well as healthy eating habits and nutritional knowledge that will last a lifetime.
“我们从COVID大流行中看到了巨大的学习损失, especially in math," Linda Lecht, president of The Education Fund, explained. TD Ready挑战基金将使我们“向前迈出一大步”, significantly expanding these outdoor classrooms into math-labs that use the power of forest gardens to teach students," Lecht said. "If you've ever tried to learn math by just reading about it and trying to visualize the concepts in your head, it can be difficult. Getting students outdoors in these environmental Eco-labs means that they're going to be learning in a different space, 使用来自大自然的材料,真正打开他们的思维."